Hard Work That’ll Help You Reach Your Goals

All the hard work is really worth it

It is HARD to wake up every day, get out of bed and start the morning healthy. Yes, it would be easy for me to turn on the television, throw a cake in the toaster and call it breakfast. Are there days when I should do this? YES!! Are there days that I approach, YES! So I don't buy pop cakes.It's hard to turn off the television and think of something the family can actively do together. I don't want to say it's difficult, but it is, compared to the pointless act of a family sitting in a room facing the glare and temptation with which we suck energy sucking in the studio. It's HARD to make a home cooked meal almost every night of the week instead of choosing takeaways or my favorite food, pizza. Yes, dialing the phone and having $ 20 ready is much easier than planning a little in advance, messing up the kitchen and cooking something healthy while entertaining a young child. It's HARD to do what you say you're going to do, right?
Hard work leads to success
Hard work leads to success

How many times in my own life have I said many things with good intention, but then I didn't. How many in yours? It's easier to talk about a great game than to commit to something and complete the tasks required to do what you set out to do. It is HARD to feel that it is you who keeps the wheel running. To feel like you don't continue to make these tough decisions, the easy ones will slowly start to take over. Why don't I give up? Why don't I take the easy way out? Why don't I fall asleep, run around the drive-thru, keep the TV on, and talk about doing things I will never do? Good question. Today I think I experienced the answer. I spent this morning cooking zucchini bread and dancing with my son. But we started slowly, the television was on, I was on the computer and when the boy ordered breakfast, I realized I was about to take the easy route. So I turned off the television, turned on the radio, and we cooked together. We dance to fun music, we roll around the living room floor and have fun. I even did a somersault, something I haven't done in 25 years! In the middle of our fun festival, the boy kissed me and said "I love you, mommy", without asking. That, my friends, was all the motivation I needed to make the difficult decision again tomorrow.

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