Russian's COVID Vaccine Convincing Surround?

Russian's COVID Vaccine Evaluate

Russia testing on a small number of people has been underway in russia for less than two months and there's been no scientific data made public on any of it nonetheless from vladimir putin. Today a stunner russia he said has approved the first vaccine for the coronavirus infection nicknamed sputnik  for sputnik vaccine after the russian space satellite that in 1957 beat the world into orbit russia even put out this news today, referencing the namesake but there are myriad questions and concerns already a vaccine so quickly and from a country notorious for propaganda and deception has many worrying not only does it work but is it safe the vaccine's been checked said putin adding one of my own daughters was subject to the vaccine. she feels well if it's the real deal what a breakthrough with the pandemic still well out of control on this planet especially in america russian officials said today the world is already lining up for sputnik two dozen countries including some companies in the u.s are said to be interested .We already received tentative interest and preliminary requests for one billion doses of russian vaccine the world health organization is watching with keen interest but from assistant director jarvis barbosa today a caution the who he said can't recommend the vaccine until it's analyzed all the information and data so has russia really won the race on this mass production of sputnik is set to begin next month with shipments by october still critical testing continues phase three trials with tens of thousands of people are set to begin tomorrow.  

Russian COVID Vaccine
Russian COVID Vaccine

So with data behind the vaccine being clear as mud let's bring in infectious diseases specialist Dr. isaac bogash , Dr.bogosh no data means we know nothing but in your mind what is the potential harm here there's a few the first is that we don't really have a good understanding of what the safety profile is so it's not quite clear what the common or uncommon side effects of the vaccine are going to be there's no real  understanding about what the benefits of the vaccine are we don't have any idea if it actually works and the third is a loss of trust in public health. If this goes sideways  certainly  there can be mistrust in public health which can have ripple effects well beyond covet 19. But they really are playing a game of russian roulette okay sure fair enough but let me ask you this does russia have the capacity to develop an effective vaccine this quickly yeah absolutely there's tremendous  capacity in the country they have phenomenal scientists and and they have the infrastructure to do so but you really have to have the phase three clinical trials to really have a better understanding of the vaccine before you start integrating this into community vaccination programs. 

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