Bombastic Explosion Rocks Beirut in Lebanon

Massive Explosion in Beirut

Bombastic Explosion Rocks Beirut in Lebanon
 Bombastic Explosion Rocks Beirut in Lebanon

From lebanon the capital beirut has been hit by a massive explosion dozens of people are said to be injured and there are some reports of people trapped under the rubble the cause of the blast is not yet known it's caused widespread damage and appears to be centered on the city's port area. It is the the wave the blast wave has turned cars upside down absolute devastation in the lebanese capital sadly a country that is used to explosions but this is of an entire different magnitude all  together.We haven't seen anything like that in lebanon in recent contemporary times and these pictures we've been seeing are just  incredible and lots of people have been sharing them on social media that have been captured from the city you see a massive explosion a huge white cloud and then there's another cloud inside that seems to be of a different color red and so forth and if you look closely at some of these images you can see what appears to be flashes inside those clouds and what we're hearing from some of the state media reports is this could have been involved there could have been fireworks involved there's some suggestion that it may have taken place in an area where fireworks were stored but of course all of this is conjecture it has only happened in the last half hour and we're still  just trying to find out what's going on there and also we have no idea how  many people may or may not be injured.

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